In recent times, essential oils have managed to gain the much-needed hype that they truly deserve. Containing so many beneficial properties, they were surely being sidelined in the past but now, times have changed, and that too, for good. However, it is seen and observed nowadays is that people have trouble using essential oils due to the mere fact of not knowing what they actually are. Essential oils are oils that are extracted from different parts of plants, for example, leaves, peels, barks, flowers, buds, seeds, and so on. They can be extracted by several methods such as steam distillation, expression, etc. One aspect that needs to be kept in mind is that essential oils cannot be applied directly on the skin as they can cause a reaction. For this very purpose, they need to be diluted with suitable carrier oil in the following ratio: 10ml carrier oil with 5 drops of essential oil. Aromatherapy is what they are most usually used for. This method helps in uplifting our mood by aligning the body, mind and spirit. What makes essential oils truly an all in one package is how it not only helps us with our emotional well-being but also works wonders as far as our skin and hair are concerned!

Essential oils are particularly beneficial in terms of assisting and improving a person’s emotional wellbeing. Some examples in which it does so include easing stress, boosting our mood, relieving headaches and migraines, treating insomnia by improving the quality of sleep, and many more. Not only this, but essential oils also come with an add-on; antiseptic properties which help in the prevention of the growth of microorganisms. Coming to some of the most widely used essential oils; the list includes peppermint oil, lavender oil, rosemary oil, and tea tree oil. Since tea tree oil has great antiseptic properties, it helps in soothing irritation and inflammation that are caused by acne. Lavender oil helps against stress and anxiety along with insomnia and depression. Not only this but it works extremely well when used for lightening acne scars and dark spots. Many essential oils contain properties that work significantly well for pain-relieving provided that they are massaged properly on the affected area. One such example of an oil containing similar properties is peppermint oil. Rosemary oil helps in hair growth and when used on the skin, helps reduce puffiness and prevents breakouts by maintaining the balance of the skin. Lastly, lemongrass oil is very well-known for its cleansing properties which means it is exactly what you’re looking for to have that even-toned and glowing skin this season!
In present times, when the pace of life is too fast to be taking care of your mental health and emotional wellbeing, essential oils are that one product that everyone must own, regardless of your age or occupation. They help, they really do!